
What I am is a broken individual, healed by the grace of God and passionate about fighting the prevalence of sexual abuse. I am a survivor of despair and doubt. I am a survivor of humiliation and lies, of violence and rape.  I am a survivor of slavery and human trafficking.  Most of all, I think, I’ve survived myself.

I’m willing to take the risk if you are– to become uncomfortable.  I’m willing to share with you my story of being sexually trafficked right here in America, if you’re willing to listen.  What I do not want however, if for this to be a story of despair– because it’s not.  It’s  a story of hope.  There is a thrasher-filled road of healing ahead of me yes, but I am in the process of freedom.

May this blog serve as an education to those who do not yet know or understand the atrocities of trafficking and may it serve as encouragement to those who understand it all too well.

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  1. I just found your blog, I ran away from home at age 12 and was trafficked soon after until age 22. I just starting speaking out, it has taken me this many years to start to heal and actually believe with all my heart and soul that all that happened to me was not my fault, keep it up…glad I found you, Barbara Amaya

    • Barbara – thank you so much for your comment and for sharing a bit of your story with me. This healing process does take years but it’s worth it, even when it’s hard as hell. 😉 So sorry for your pain my friend – please keep in touch.

  2. Thank you so much for your blog. It has helped me in so many ways. I’m a survivor of sexual slavery, and I do understand all too well. You can read my story if you’d like, but stay safe because it’s really graphic and triggering. And keep writing! Your posts have helped me and filled me with hope even when hope is just a burning ember. Thank you so, so much!

  3. sophie king

     /  April 6, 2012

    I can’t even imagine what you must have been through but I can’t help but be attracted to your story of hope. This will definately serve as an education to me, the girl who thinks she has seen it all but really has no idea of the pain and darkness some people go through.

  4. Thank you! Thank you! for being real. I am so glad to hear a journey of hope and healing through Christ. Though I have survived and been healed from abuse – it is nothing close to the atrocities you have faced. Thanks for being a voice crying in the wildnerness, bringing human trafficking to a personal and present world. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and give you peace – Lead on Mighty Warrior!

  5. You are such an amazing and inspiring individual!!! I am glad you have the courage to share what you’ve been through!

    • Runningthriver – I don’t know that I’d call myself amazing or courageous, but I appreciate the kind thoughts anyway. 😉 What I am is very blessed, with a God and now a community who are strong and care about me. Thank you sincerely for your interest in this topic and your support!

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